Natural Ways to Improve Fertility

Do you know that in India, an average of one out of every six couples faces infertility issues?
Breaking this ratio down accounts for about 10 to 14 per cent of the population.
With the information above, don’t you think that it’s a matter of concern that is worth discussing?
Discussing it is not enough except that discussion produces a satisfactory outcome.
How can a satisfactory outcome be produced? This piece of the article alone is a satisfactory outcome because it promises to show you the natural ways to improve fertility.
That sounds great, right? I know that’s a yes!
Now that you agree, let me show you the top 15 natural ways to boost fertility.

Slow down a bit, I will show you but first, let’s be sure that you know and understand what fertility entails.
Hope you don’t mind?
I will assume that you don’t mind and I know that my assumption is right. LOL (lots of laughs)
However, I will not assume that you know what fertility is even though you may know it too well.
Funny right?
You know we have to catch fun sometimes so we can be happy and live longer.
Alright, let’s do justice to what fertility is.

What is Fertility?

What is fertility

First, fertility is not only associated with females.
Fertility is an issue that concerns all gender. It is a natural ability to conceive a child.
This ability does not come with ease to everyone.
The fact that it doesn’t come easily to everyone is the major reason we should pay attention to know the effective ways to improve fertility.
You should also watch out for the signs of fertility problems so you can start early to tackle them.

Signs of a fertility problem
1) If you are less than 35 years and have had unprotected sex for like one year without getting pregnant.
2) You are above 35 years and have been trying to get pregnant for 6 months.
3) Abnormal menstrual bleeding and bad menstrual cramps
4) Sexual dysfunction such as erectile dysfunction, low libido
5) Pain during sexual intercourse or pelvic pain
6) Irregular menstrual cycle
7) You have successively lost pregnancy twice or more
8) You have any form of a risk factor for infertility
Yes, we can now look at ways to improve fertility.

Top 15 natural ways to boost fertility

Before you scroll down to see the top 15 natural ways to boost fertility, hear this!
Ensure you consult a medical fertility specialist to assist you to tackle any infertility issues. Do not self-medicate.
However, you have to do the needful first before scheduling an appointment with a specialist.
Let’s explore those needful things

1) Eat a good amount of breakfast:
Consuming a good quantity of breakfast tend to increase fertility in women.
However, ensure you eat less in the evening to avoid gaining weight.

2) Do not eat Trans Fats:
Trans Fats are usually found in fried foods, margarine, baked foods and processed products. Such foods have negative effects on insulin sensitivity thereby causing an increased risk of ovulatory infertility.
You should eat healthy fat such as extra virgin olive oil to boost your fertility.

3) Eat foods that contain antioxidants:
When antioxidants like folate and zinc deactivate the free radicals in your body that can damage sperm and egg cells, fertility tends to increase in both men and women.
Examples of foods that are antioxidants are vegetables, fruits, nuts, vitamin C and E, folate, lutein and beta-carotene

4) Reduce the intake of carbs:
Stay on a low-carb diet especially if you have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
A low-carb diet reduces the risk of infertility and insulin level. It also helps one maintain a healthy weight and regulates the menstrual cycle.

5) Eat less refined carbs:
When you eat more refined carbs, it raises insulin levels which tend to increase the risk of infertility.
Examples of refined carbs are processed grains, white pasta, rice, bread, sugary foods and drinks.

6) Switch protein sources:
It is better to eat vegetable protein than one from animal sources because it improves fertility.
Meat, fish and eggs are animal protein while nuts, seeds and beans are vegetable protein.

7) Take more fibre:
Fibre improves fertility but too much of it affects ovulation.
Research revealed that for women older than 32 years of age, eating 10 grams more of cereal fibre per day accounts for a 44% lower risk of ovulation fertility.
However, in another research carried out with 250 women aged 18-44, eating the fibre of 20-35 grams per day increased the risk of the abnormal ovulation cycle 10 times.

What does the above information on fibre tell you?
It simply projects that more research needs to be carried out to validate the amount of fibre that needs to be consumed without having a negative effect.

8) Take a high-fat diary:
Choose to eat a high-fat dairy over a low-fat diary because it improves fertility and increases the chances of getting pregnant.

9) Make use of Multivitamin: At about 20% ovulatory infertility will be avoided if women take at least 3 or more multivitamins per week. A study shows that dietary supplements such as green tea, chaste berry, vitamin E and vitamin B6 increase the chances of ovulation.

10) Find time to rest and relax: I know and understand that you are making everything possible to make ends meet but then don’t forget that it is he who is alive that works.
What am I trying to say in essence?
No matter how busy you are, find time to rest and relax.
Do you know that the chances of you or your spouse getting pregnant decrease if the stress level increases?
Yes, it is true. You now see why it’s important to rest and relax.
In a nutshell, do your best to avoid stress and anxiety.

11) Drastically reduce the intake of Caffeine: Caffeine has a negative effect on female fertility.
High consumption of caffeine increases the tendency of having a miscarriage. One of the studies revealed that women who consume over 500mg of caffeine daily take about 9.5 months longer to become pregnant.

12) Take more iron: Consuming non-heme iron and iron supplements from plant-based food sources tend to decrease the risk of ovulatory infertility. While taking non-heme iron which comes from animal sources, take them with foods or drinks high in vitamin C to help the body easily absorb them.

13) Do not take too much alcohol: Alcohol certainly has a negative effect on fertility though the amount needed to cause the effect is not yet certain. So what then is advisable? Avoid alcohol or drastically reduce its intake.

14) Make natural supplements your friend: Let me show you the supplements you should make friends with;

  • Bee pollen: Bee pollen is associated with improved fertility, immunity and overall nutrition.
    An animal study revealed that consuming bee pollen helps to improve sperm quality and male fertility.
  • Maca: Maca originates from a plant grown in central Peru. It also improves fertility and sperm quality.
  • Bee propolis: Research that studied women with endometriosis discovered that taking bee propolis twice a day increased the chances of one becoming pregnant after 9 months by 40%
  • Royal Jelly: it is made by bees as well which contains lipids, sugars, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, iron and calcium. One of the animal studies discovered that it is likely to improve reproductivity in rats.

15) Engage in exercise:
Exercise is good for the health and helps to maintain body weight.
Engaging in exercise improves fertility. However, the excessive-high intensity of it can be linked to decreased fertility.
Therefore, be moderate with your exercise.
To sum it all, your choice of living contribute heavily to the way things play out in your life.
If you become intentional about healthy living and put into practice what has been discussed so far, you will be amazed at the result you will see in the next 3 months.