by Mudita Bhadani | Aug 3, 2022 | Fitness
Utkatasana is a very powerful posture in Yoga, which engages each and every part of the body. It is also one of the postures in Ashtanga Surya Namaskar (A & B both) and is starting position for many other postures in Yoga. The posture looks very easy to master but...
by Mudita Bhadani | Jul 6, 2022 | Fitness, Yoga
Chakrasana is an intermediate/advanced back bending posture in Yoga, which engages the entire body. It requires flexibility in the spine and strength in the arms, wrists & legs to perform this pose correctly. This pose also helps to fight depression and increases...
by Mudita Bhadani | Jun 23, 2022 | Fitness, Yoga
Sirsasana or Headstand is one of the advanced postures in Yoga. The posture involves balancing on the head and is one of the difficult poses to master. It requires a great amount of strength in the core, shoulder arms and flexibility in the hamstrings to do the pose...
by Fitness and More | May 31, 2022 | Fitness
Fitness trends come and go but functional fitness is one that gets quite a bit of attention and it doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. Even though functional fitness has become a new buzzword, it is extremely beneficial to your daily life when...
by Mudita Bhadani | May 28, 2022 | Fitness
छतुरशीत्यासनानन नशवेन कनितानन छ |तेभ्यश्छतुष्ह्कमादाय सारभूतं बरवीम्यहम|| ३३ ||नसद्धं पद्मं तिा नसंहं भद्रं वेनत छतुष्ह्टयम |शरे ष्ह्ठं तत्रानप छ सुखेनतष्ह्ठे त्सिद्धासनेसदा || ३४ || Meaning: Siva has taught 84 asanas. From these asanas, four asanas are very powerful....
by Mudita Bhadani | May 13, 2022 | Fitness
Vajrasana, like Sukhasana, is one of the most common sitting postures and can be performed by people of all ages. It is a meditative posture and people for whom Padmasana and Sidhasana are advanced poses, can sit in this posture for meditation. The posture is also...
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