When talking about weight loss, people have a question about which is the most effective method. One of the options that is emerging as a popular solution is HIIT (high-intensity interval training). In this blog, we will talk about the details of HIIT and HIIT workouts for weight loss. Next, we’ll also explain different types of HIIT exercises. It will act as a guide for fitness enthusiasts who are looking to achieve their weight loss goals.

What is HIIT?

High-intensity interval training(HIIT) is a type of cardiovascular exercise that happens as an alternative between periods of short, intense activity and less intensive activity or rest. The main aim of these workouts is to push the limits of the body with a mixture of recovery phases. Various kinds of exercises like running, cycling, or functional training can be performed with this method. Below are a few characteristics of HIIT- 

  • The intensity of HIIT is very high as it requires maximum effort during intervals of activity. 
  • The duration for which the activity lasts is around 40-90 seconds, followed by 10-20 seconds for the rest of the very slow activity. 
  • HIIT is a method that is easily adaptable to a wide range of exercises, and a person with any fitness level can perform it by adjusting the time duration.

How Does HIIT Promote Weight Loss?

HIIT workouts are a method that is becoming very popular among fitness enthusiasts who are looking to lose weight. Behind this popularity, several physiological mechanisms are discussed below- 

  • Increased Calorie Burn: As per various studies, it has been proven that HIIT workouts help burn more calories in less time than normal cardio exercises. The reason behind this is high intensity will spike your heart rate, and your body will start spending more calories (the basic requirement for weight loss).
  • EPOC Effect: EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) is a process in which your body continues to burn calories even after a workout at a higher rate. This effect is higher when a person performs HIIT workouts. It makes HIIT better than other exercises. 
  • Fat Loss: The main aim of HIIT workouts is to target the fat stored in the body to fulfill the energy requirement and promote fat loss. People notice a depletion in their glycogen stores after performing HIIT workouts.
  • Muscle Prevention: HIIT is known to preserve lean muscle mass and promote fat loss, which is not a situation in steady-state cardio. It is very important in maintaining a healthy metabolism. 
hiit workouts for weight loss, hiit workouts

Getting Started with HIIT Workouts

If you are someone getting started with the HIIT workouts, you should follow the guide below to start safely and effectively- 

  1. Assess your fitness levels: When you are first starting out, you must check your current fitness level. As a beginner, it is important to start with a low intensity that matches your fitness level. As you advance, you should increase the intensity of your workouts. 
  1. Choose the right exercise: The next step is the selection of the right exercise. It is very important that you choose an exercise that you enjoy while performing. The best HIIT exercises for fat burning include sprinting, burpees, jumping jacks, cycling, etc. 
  1. Structure your workout: Now, you should structure your HIIT for weight loss as per your assessed fitness level. A typical HIIT workout plan might look like the following- 
  • First, you should warm up your body for 5-10 minutes by doing light cardio. 
  • Then, you should perform high-intensity exercise(40-90 seconds as per your fitness level) and rest for 10-20 seconds. 
  • After a full circuit, you should cool down for 5-10 minutes again with low-intensity cardio.

HIIT Workout Variations

Some of the popular variations of HIIT workouts are- 

Tabata Training

Tabata is a type of beginner HIIT workout that only consists of 20 seconds of very high-intensity exercise. It is followed by 10 seconds of rest and repeated for 4 minutes. The most common reason for adopting this method is to improve the aerobic and anaerobic capacity of a human being. 

Circuit Training

Circuit training is a mixture of strength and cardio exercises performed with minimal rest in sequence. If we talk about the numbers, the exercise is performed for 50-60 seconds and then only 10 seconds of rest. 

Pyramid HIIT

Pyramid HIIT for weight loss is a method in which a person first increases the duration of exercise and then decreases it. Let’s say you are starting with 20 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds rest, then increase it to 30 seconds, 40 seconds, and take it to 60 seconds with 10 seconds of rest. After that, you should start decreasing it in a similar way. 

Benefits of HIIT Workouts

The following are the benefits of HIIT workouts over conventional workouts-

  • One of the biggest HIIT benefits, considering the current lifestyle, is time efficiency. People achieve a high-calorie burn and achieve a better fitness level in a shorter period than other exercise methods. 
  • HIIT workouts require very little to no equipment, which makes them versatile. No matter whether you are at home, at the gym, outdoors, or on the go, you can perform your workout. 
  • People who are performing HIIT workouts have reported improved cardiovascular and heart performance. After a few months, blood pressure and cholesterol patients will notice an improvement in their situation. 
  • One nature of HIIT is that it boosts metabolism, which is important for a higher calorie burn throughout the day. It is important for fat reduction and weight loss.

HIIT Workouts and Nutrition

Providing the right amount of fuel to your body before and after a HIIT workout is very important for a great performance. A person should have a balanced meal 2-3 hours before the workout and a quick carbohydrate snack before the workout.

Post-workout, it is important to consume a protein-rich meal 30-60 minutes after HIIT. Alongside, you should also stay hydrated before, during, and after HIIT workouts because this workout tends to cause higher sweating.

Tracking Progress and Staying Motivated

In order to stay motivated while performing your HIIT workouts, it is important that you keep tracking your progress. Following are a few steps that one should follow to track their progress and stay motivated-

  • The very first thing you should do is set realistic goals. It will help you follow a HIIT routine; you will get better results, which is important for staying motivated.  
  • Next up, you should get help from fitness apps and wearables to monitor your progress and stay accountable. Many apps have an option for HIIT-specific workouts that will help in tracking your progress. 
  • You should understand that variety is the key to staying motivated. When you mix up different workout styles, you will feel fresh and motivated to perform your workouts.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with HIIT Workouts

  • The biggest mistake that people make while performing their HIIT workouts is skipping their warm-up. It is important to prepare your body before performing any intense activity; otherwise, it can lead to injuries. 
  • Most people start overtraining when they find HIIT is effective, leading to burnout and injuries. That is why it is important for a person to have rest days and don’t ignore your body signals. 
  • People don’t focus on technique and start training without proper research, which leads to poor form and injuries.

By involving HIIT in your fitness routine, you will notice a number of benefits like increased calorie burn, improved cardiovascular health, and enhanced metabolism. If you have any questions on how to start HIIT for weight loss or want to get started with HIIT workouts for weight loss, get in touch with us at Fitness and More. We will help you with beginner to advanced HIIT exercises, pair your workouts with proper nutrition, and help you stay motivated by tracking your progress.